Now's the time to make a donation!
Your Support Does Make a Difference!
Donations to the Retina Research & Development Foundation aid in the effort to find safer and more effective treatments for severe eye diseases.
Our mission as an organization is to enable researchers the opportunity to study disorders of the eye. This has been accomplished through education, research, and study participation. Your support assists in our commitment to educate physicians through our fellowship program. Your contributions also help us conduct annual educational courses and help to fund the publication of scientific articles thereby supplying new and relevant data to the ophthalmic community. In addition, RRDF funds clinical trials which evaluate new treatments, surgeries, and medications.
As we continue our crusade against vision loss, we remain dedicated to patient eye care, medical education, and ongoing research. With your patronage and support, we can achieve our goal of preserving sight.
Charitable gifts can be made to:
Retina Research & Development Foundation (RRDF)
2201 S. Brentwood Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63144
The Retina Research & Development Foundation is a tax-exempt charity under the IRS code section 501c3, tax ID# 13837532.